山形県庄内地方出身の舞踊家。2009年カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校卒業(B.A. World Arts and Cultures.)帰郷後、森繁哉(舞踏家・民俗学者)、阿部利勝(農民舞踏家)に学び活動を共にする。地元でダンスの他、民俗芸能(神楽)やアマチュア演劇に関わりながら、社会と土地への調査探求、それらとの交渉、関係性の考察のインプットアウトプットを、肉体と精神を通して続けている。
田中直子 Naoko Tanaka
女子美術大学大学院アートプロデュース研究領域博士前課程修了、東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科博士課程在籍。1938年に日独伊3ヶ国へ向け企画された児童画コンクール「日独伊親善図画」について研究している。主な企画展覧会に、「日独伊親善図画−80年前の児童画を巡って−」(女子美術大学ガレリアニケ、2018)、都美セレクショングループ展 2019「星座を想像するように−過去、現在、未来−」(東京都美術館、2019)、など。
【参考資料(A/R/P 2021 限定公開)】
*「A/R/P 2021」のための期間限定公開URLとなります。
▶︎日独伊親善図画インタビュー映像(4本)《限定公開》 https://youtu.be/_0PpWaTyjhE
▶︎日独伊親善図画インタビュープロジェクト〜綾部小学校編〜 https://youtu.be/sx564AMRCPM
Kimberly Rivera
An Associate Professor in Bataan Peninsula State University Balanga Campus teaching courses – Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Sciences. Her researches focuses in fusing Arts and Chemistry to help students appreciate this challenging subject. She also advocates women in science and citizen science.
Caitlin Coker
Caitlin Coker is an associate professor at Hokkaido University’s Cultural Anthropology Lab. She received her doctorate at Kyoto University, and her research there focused on the physical practice of movement-making in butoh along with its oral history. Her research is grounded in practice and performance together with practitioners before connecting her findings with contemporary theories of affect and the body. Currently, she is researching pole dance and butoh while performing in the butoh group Kyokuhokukai (極北会).
Can Tamura カン・タムラ
Can Tamura is an artist, filmmaker, and audiovisual anthropologist. He earned his BA in film at Antioch College (USA) and MA in Visual Anthropology, Media and Documentary Practices at the University of Münster (Germany). Working primarily in Japan, Turkey, and Mongolia, he makes experimental documentary films that explore the intersection between ethnographic film and art.
Steven C. Fedorowicz
Steven C. Fedorowicz is a cultural anthropologist, visual anthropologist, and associate professor of anthropology in the Asian Studies Program at Kansai Gaidai University. His interests include deaf communities, sign language, performance, globalization and ethnographic photography. See more of his work at http://visualanthropologyofjapan.blogspot.com/.
Takaaki Kumagai
東京生まれ。東南アジア、アメリカ合衆国、メキシコなどを経て、現在コロンビアと日本を主要な拠点として活動。カンザス大 学大学院にて美術史博士号(Ph.D., Art History)取得。 写真家、インディペンデントキュレーター、リサーチャー。コロンビア、メキシコ、アメリカ合衆国、日本にて、グループ展参加、展覧会キュレーション、学会発表、講義、トークイベント等の実績多数。
Rina Tanaka + Maho Watanabe
Rina TANAKA (rinat@meiji.ac.jp) is Assistant Professor at the School of Global Japanese Studies in Meiji University, lecturer at Keio University, Kanagawa University, and Saitama University. She was a visiting fellow at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Her research interests include the sociocultural history of contemporary musical theatre in/between German-speaking countries and Asia. In 2019, she was awarded the Helsinki Prize of the International Federation for Theatre Research. She is also working as a translator and critic. At TPAM 2021, she moderated a panel about the transnational TERASIA project with Maho Watanabe and Narumol (Kop) Thammapruksa.
Born in Saitama in 1992, Maho Watanabe is a translator and dramaturge who works in and around the realms of art, media, and humanitarian work. Since her first theater involvement during a year abroad in Palestine as an Arabic Studies student, she has participated in numerous international collaboration projects, festivals, and workshops. Her translation of “Lilac Duhaa (Death in the Era of IS)” by Palestinian playwright Ghannam Ghannam won the 2019 Odashima Yushi Award for Drama Translation. In May 2020, she joined artists from Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Japan, to launch “TERASIA: Theatre for Traveling in the Age of Isolation.”